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James Adelsberger's "Pure Country CD of the Year" Award

   Roughshod Records recording artist & co-producer James Adelsberger received the Rural Roots Music Commission "Pure Country CD of the Year" award on 31 August 2015 for his 13-song CD "Old Time Country Songs Are They Really Dead and Gone?" He was presented the award by Bob Everhart, president of the National Traditional Country Music Association, during his debut performance on the Main Stage at the week-long 40th Annual Old Time Country Music Festival in LeMars, Iowa. This was James first NTCMA festival, as well as his first solo cross-country trip.

   Bob Everhart remarked to label owner Mike Johnson, "James is a thunderbolt for traditional music. He's absolutely fantastic. Everywhere he went he had followers and well-wishers.  ...My God Mike, you did a good job with this kid, congratulations from the bottom of my heart. God what a wonderfully sweet young man, and so incredibly talented." In a review James' CD he called it an incredible "country" country album! And everyone acknowledged what a nice, personable and respectful young man he is!

   James returned very overwhelmed by his experience, elated that he got to meet and perform with so many talented and wonderful musicians and singers. Roni and Donna Stoneman, of the Hee Haw TV series signed one of his guitars. He performed with traditional country artists Red Johnson, Randy Barlow, Jacob Austin [of Jacob Austin Band] and young Country & Western artist, Kristyn Harris. Not to mention he met a lot of Mike's long-time music friends, Terry Smith {Far Side Banks of Jordan, Danny Dee and Donna, Bill Lear, Fred Lawson, Lee Mueller and of course, Bob and Sheila Everhart, founder of the National Traditional Country Music Association, an internationally well-respected organization. He he sold a lot of CDs!

   James' album is available at the Roughshod Records web store and from CD Baby and its many digital affiliates. Our hats off to our fantastic young star for doing such a great job representing himself and Roughshod Records! Everyone round here is grinnin' from ear to ear!

Joe Arnold, manager Roughshod Records

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