Created on 13 June 1987 by Mike Johnson, singer, songwriter, and Country Music's No.1 Black Yodeler, the label has produced and released 8 cassettes [4-albums & 4-singles] and 53 CDs.
Also created on that date was You and Me Records, and You and Me Publishing, for his non-country songs. Unfortunately those songs ended up on the Roughshod label with a country twist, until 2012 when James Adelsberger was brought aboard. In December 2014, You and Me Records released its 1st CD, "SideKicks Christmas Special" a 2-song single featuring a Mike and James duet.
In November 2015, You and Me Records released a 12-song Instrumental featuring James Adelsberger and music tracks he created for their 2014 releases, and a couple of compositions James wrote for the project. This CD received the Rural Roots Music Commission's 2016 "Instrumental CD of the Year" Award at the 41st Annual Old Time Country Music Festival in LeMars, Iowa, where Mike Johnson also received a "Lifetime Achievement" Award.
Releasing on 13 June 2017 are You and Me Records 3rd and 4th CDs; "Going Places!" and "Here We Go Again!" two 12-song Instrumentals featuring our fantastic musician James Adelsberger.
Mike Johnson wrote his 1st song in 1957, began performing in the mid-1960s, and began recording in Nashville in 1981. Prior to creating Roughshod Records he produced and released 2 45rpm singles and 3 cassette albums.
Visit our web site for a detailed history.
Joe Arnold, manager
Roughshod Records