Best of the Mike Johnson James Adelsberger Years [RCD60] * August 2012 to December 2016 * UPC: 061946000653 * $25.00
Widely considered to be the best 20 of more than 60 songs recorded by Mike Johnson and James Adelsberger, and released on Roughshod Records, this album is equally a tribute to the musical genius of James Adelsberger who played and recorded all the instruments live in his studio, except the fiddle, played by his Classical Violinist friend, Michael Romans, and the versatile songwriting prowess of Mike Johnson who captures the traditional country music themes of the 1950s through the 1970s. No yodeling songs here, just songs about good love, bad love, and lost love, the foundation of great traditional country music songs.
1. Corner of the Bar (Mike Johnson)
2. My Heart Still Sees (James Adelsberger)
3. Chug-A-Lug Another One (Mike Johnson)
4. Another Lonely Night-II (James Adelsberger)
5. Could You Spare Me a Quarter? (Mike Johnson)
6. Or You Can Tell Her That You’re Sorry (James Adelsberger)
7. Do You Wanna Get Drunk and Fool Around? (Mike Johnson)
8. Could Be the Whiskey Talkin’ (James Adelsberger)
9. Old Lovesick Fool (Mike Johnson)
10. Livin’ Two Loves (James Adelsberger)
11. I Don’t Give a Damn About a Damn Thing (Mike Johnson)
12. He Wrote the Song On the Jukebox-II (James Adelsberger)
13. Guitar Pickin’ Motorcycles Hungry Women (Mike Johnson)
14. Liquid Hell (James Adelsberger)
15. There’s Something In Between Us (Mike Johnson)
16. Anybody Here Love a Nut? (James Adelsberger)
17. Nuthin’ Honey (Mike Johnson)
18. Back Home Again (James Adelsberger)
19. The Good Part of a Sad Song (Mike Johnson)
20. Are They Really Dead and Gone (James Adelsberger)
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Roughshod Records
Established 13 June 1987
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