Released 13 July 2008 * UPC: 061946000172 * Time 29:34Yep, that’s Mike on the big Gray. And he’s just as comfortable yodeling as he is on horseback or a Harley. This acoustic release features just Mike and his guitar and 20 of over 150 yodeling songs he’s written. 114 of them have been part of the Library of Congress Recorded Sound Reference Center’s music collection since April 2007.This release is unique because it features some of Mike’s many wordless yodeling songs. Hence the subtitle, "Plain Old Yodeling." There are 50 Black Yodels in all, and their titles came about when Mike couldn’t think of a suitable title for them. A must have for yodeling fans, Mike’s combinations of the Jimmie Rodgers, Cowboy, and Swiss Yodeling styles demonstrate why he’s Country Music’s No.1 Black Yodeler.1. Black Yodel No.82. Galloping Yodel3. Black Yodel No.94. Island Yodel5. Black Yodel No.106. Memory Lane Yodel7. Black Yodel No.118. Moonlight Yodel9. Black Yodel No.1210. Ragtime Yodel11. Black Yodel No.1312. Rat Tip-Toeing On Cotton13. Black Yodel No.1414. Springtime Yodel15. Black Yodel No.1516. Swingtime Yodel17. Black Yodel No.1618. Viking Yodel19. Black Yodel No.1720. Yodeler’s Waltz
Mike Johnson's Guitar Songs Vol.6 Acoustic Series "Plain Old Yodeling" [RCD29]